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Been There, Done That – An Interview With Precollege Alum Lilly Truscott


Lilly Truscott

This week, Precollege Programs had the opportunity to speak with FIT undergraduate student and Precollege alumni, Lilly Truscott. Lilly was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, but moved to Nashville, TN during high school. She is currently in her first semester at FIT, working towards her AAS in Advertising and Marketing Communications. After gaining her Associates Degree, Lilly plans to graduate with her BS in Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing.

Lilly currently works in the Precollege office through FIT’s Work-Study program, where she is able to share her experiences as a Precollege student with current students and parents.

Courses Taken in Precollege Programs:

HAD 146 Typography for Graphic Design
HFM 064 Business of Fashion

Precollege Programs: What is your fondest memory of Precollege Programs? 

Lilly: My fondest memory of Precollege Programs was being able to experience what my dream school, FIT, was like as well as meeting people who are just like me. I loved being around such a diverse school, city, and range of people coming from all difference backgrounds and places! I love how the FIT community is like a little neighborhood smack in the middle of the Big Apple!

Precollege Programs: Any other memories about Precollege that you'd like to share? 

Lilly: Since I lived in Nashville, TN during my high school years, I was definitely not a commuter before Precollege Programs! I flew to New York, stayed in a tiny studio in Greenwich Village, and lived in NYC by myself for 3 weeks while attending Precollege Programs. Even though I was only 17 at the time, I absolutely loved every second of my experience and would take back that summer in a heartbeat! 

Precollege Programs: At what moment did you decide that FIT was your college of choice?

Lilly: I knew FIT was the college of my choice immediately after I arrived on the FIT campus the spring of my junior year for a tour. I had also visited Parsons and Pratt, but I had an immediate connection and feeling that FIT was the right school for me. When I attended Precollege, it only reassured me that FIT was the school for me, and it made me even more anxious to attend college here! 

Precollege Programs: What advantages did you gain from Precollege courses?

Lilly: The advantages I gained from Precollege courses was broadening my knowledge in the subjects I was interested in. It helped me decide what area I would like to be in for my career, and what major I wanted to apply into at FIT. At the time, I wasn't sure if I wanted to apply into the business school or the art school. Not only did Precollege Courses help me decide that I'm more business-oriented, but it also gave me knowledge that I later applied into my FIT application essay. 

Precollege Programs: How is college different than you previously imagined back when you were in high school?

Lilly: FIT is definitely not a traditional college like other universities. I was aware of this factor thanks to attending Precollege. This helped prepare myself for what I was getting in to. FIT is incredibly diverse, and I love being in a place where all varieties are accepted. Precollege helped me realize that I don't want to attend a traditional university, I wanted to attend a fast-paced school like FIT. 

Precollege Programs: Are there any specific learned traits from your days as a Precollege student that really hit home with you? Was something said by an instructor, for example, that remains with you today?

Lilly: I definitely remember my professor telling me about how fashion merchandising and being a buyer uses a lot of math and statistics. I realized what kind of a job this was, and knew I did not want to be a Fashion Merchandising Management major. What really stuck with me was I realized that summer that I was completely set on Cosmetics & Fragrance Marketing. I knew that I didn't want to do fashion or art, I wanted to be in the Beauty Industry, something that I have been passionate about my entire life. I'm still working towards that goal today! 

Precollege Programs: What advice do you have for Precollege students?

Lilly: My advice to Precollege students is to take every advantage  of the classes you are enrolled in. Be a sponge and absorb all the knowledge and experiences possible, because you can apply this knowledge in so many different ways, including college application essays. I have also learned about topics in my current classes that I learned about in my Precollege classes, which have given me an advantage that I never realized I would have!



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